1. It shall be the bounden duty of every student to abide by the rules and regulations of the College and to conduct himself/herself with discipline and decorum in all places and under all circumstances.

2. Every student shall attend classes with regularity and punctuality as per college timings and shall refrain from any action that may disturb the smooth functioning of the College. College timing: Morning 10.00 am to evening 4.00 pm. At any cause, the gate shall not be opened for the latecomers who fail to turn up before 10.10 am.

3. Students shall be clean and decorous in dress, language, and behaviour.

4. Students who may be free during class time shall not loiter on the veranda or lobby of the College.

5. Every student shall handle College property with due care and shall do everything in his/her power to preserve the cleanliness of the furniture, buildings, and premises.

6. The loss or damage caused to the College articles will be made good by realizing from the student concerned double the loss/damage so incurred.

7. Political activism is strictly banned on campus. Students are forbidden to organize/ attend meetings and no student shall address any gathering in the College premises without special permission of the Principal. Likewise, demonstration/campaigning of any type is strictly prohibited within the campus.  

8. Use of mobile phones on campus is strictly banned and if a student is found violating this rule, apart from being liable for disciplinary action, the mobile phone shall be confiscated.

9. As per the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, ragging in any manner is considered a punishable and criminal offence and is strictly banned. Any student indulging in ragging in whatever manner, directly or indirectly, shall be severely dealt with.

10. Students are not allowed to take half-day leave or go home during college hours, permission may be granted in emergencies if an authorized written request is made by the parent.

11. It is compulsory for every student to wear the prescribed uniform. Both boys and girls are to wear a decent dress in campus (in case, students haven’t got their uniforms and during off days when they are made available on the campus).  

12. Moral conviction and dependable self-discipline are as important as academic competence and there is no substitute for self-discipline. The students shall conduct themselves both within and outside the college premises in a befitting manner.

13. Any serious misconduct/objectionable behaviour (irregular attendance, insubordination to teaching and non-teaching staff, cheating, etc.) leads to the student's dismissal.

14. Magazines, CDs, loudspeakers, cameras, etc should not be used in the campus without the express permission of the Principal. Posters, Flags, Memorial Tombs, Floral arches, Festoons, etc should not be displayed on the campus.

15. Indecent behaviour to the opposite sex will not be tolerated.

16. Students shall not invite or encourage outsiders to enter the campus.

17. Smoking, use of alcohol, or drugs in any form are strictly prohibited on the College premises.

18. Course and conduct certificates will ordinarily be issued with TC when the student leaves the college after the completion of the course.

19. Attendance of Parents in the PTA meeting is compulsory

20. In all matters not specified in the foregoing rules, students shall aim at conducting themselves respecting the rights of others to establish and maintain a good tradition and reputation of the institution.

21. The authority of the Principal extends outside the campus also.

22. Ragging of any form is a non-bailable offence and requires criminal procedure.

23. All Celebrations in the campus, including Union activities, should be held only after getting prior permission from the Head of the Institution of the College. Celebrations of any type should be communicated to the Head of the Institution through the concerned Staff Advisor at least five working days prior to the event, programme details, guests attending, source of funds, expenditure estimates etc.


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